Seeking out trustworthy, reliable daycare that offers more stimulation than a typical babysitter can be a daunting and disappointing ordeal. After six years as a Certified Professional Nanny, having her own child, and braving the daycare search herself, Brandi Webber became convinced she could create a better source of child care, right in her own community. During her search, she would find a place that appeared clean, organized and well-staffed but lacked that warm, nurturing quality that every newborn needs. Or another facility would appear nurturing and friendly, but fall short of providing the clean environment and cognitive stimulation that she also felt was important. Outrageous prices for care were also an obstacle. With over ten years of child care experience, Brandi Webber decided to take matters into her own hands and, in 2001, created Imagination Station Daycare Center in her own home. Shortly after opening, Imagination Station filled up quickly, expanding in the summer of 2006. Imagination Station continues to grow, providing many families in the North Portland community with reliable, affordable, top-notch professional child care.